Digital Chant Stand
Sing praises to our God, sing praises! Sing praises to our King, sing praises

The Digital Chant Stand (DCS) of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America provides resources intended to enhance the worship experience of the Orthodox faithful with easily accessible liturgical texts and music.

After clicking on the below button labled "DCS By Date," you will be transported to the "Daily Services by Date" screen for DCS. Click on any date you desire to see and the services for that day will appear. 

In order to View Music for the hymns, you will first do the above. Then you will click on the "view" option for the service you want to see. This will then take you to the structure of the service with the hymns. hymns that have music will have a western music note and a byzantine music note. Clicking on either will show the respective sheet music for that notation style. 

You may also find other services that are more static such as: Wedding Services, Funeral, Paraklisis and others. To do this, you will click the three lines or Hamburger icon in the top left of the screen and choose the option "Sacraments and Services".

This will take you that home page, and you can search via the headings for the service you are looking for. 


Digital Chant Stand is an amazing tool to aid the chanters, priests, and other servants during the Liturgy. We encourage the Laity in the Pews to also follow along and chant along with us using the Digital Chant Stand. 

DCS By Date