If you are visiting our Parish for the first time, we are honored by your visit and happy to meet you! Welcome to St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church Libertyville! We trust that your experience with us will be uplifting and enriching.
Our Parish is made up of people of many ages, backgrounds and cultures. Also, of both cradle-born Orthodox Christians and those who have converted to the faith later in life. As in any other church, you may not find holy people here, but you will find people that strive to become better Christians.
We answered below some of the frequently asked questions a visitor may have, but if you have any other question, please talk to Fr. Thomas and he will guide you. You may contact him here (Contact) or approach him during Coffee Hour.
What services do you offer?
An Orthodox Christian’s life is revolving around the Divine Liturgy. We offer Divine Liturgy on every Sunday starting ~ 09:30am, which is preceded by Orthros starting at 08:30 am. Also, we celebrate various feasts days during the Church year and offer other services, such as vespers, paraklesis or Holy Unction. Make sure you check out the Calendar here (Calendar) or sign up to the Weekly E-mail on the main page to receive the services schedule for the week.
Do I need to stand during the services?
While this was the practice of the early Church and it still is in different parts of the world, in the United States we typically use pews, as you will see in our church as well. In the beginning you may not know when to stand and when to sit, but don’t worry! Father usually makes a discreet sign from the altar directing us to stand or sit, and if you don’t see him, just do how others do! There are important moments during Divine Liturgy when it is appropriate only to stand or even to kneel.
Can I have Holy Communion when I come to the Divine Liturgy?
If you are Orthodox Christian, have prepared as per the Church’s guidelines and have received your spiritual father’s blessing, you may. If you are not an Orthodox Christian yet, please do not be offended that you are not allowed to receive Holy Communion as only Orthodox Christians, baptized or chrismated, may partake to the precious body and blood of Jesus Christ. You may receive the andidoro (blessed bread) and blessing at the end of the Divine Liturgy.
Do I need to be Greek to participate?
No. Being ethnically Greek is not a requirement to be Orthodox Christian or join our Parish. Our community is made of people of many various backgrounds, and the services are held predominantly in English.
Are children welcome?
Yes. We have a children’s room on the right side just as you come into the Narthex. But children may stay with you in the church! You will find a welcoming atmosphere for children during the services.
For more details on what to expect when visiting an Orthodox Church, please see the GOA website section below: