Coffee Hour – Please join us for fellowship during Coffee Hour immediately after the Divine Liturgy on each Sunday. You can also sponsor a Coffee Hour by bringing treats and coffee to share with the congregation. The Coffee Hour Sponsorship list is in the Church Hall. Please talk to Father Thomas or any of our Parish Council members if decide to pick a date and want to be included on the list. Lenten guidelines apply during fasting periods.
Dinner Dance & Agape Dinner - Every Fall and Spring, we have our annual Dinner Dances. Our Fall event is the Dinner Dance with an amazing meal and fun festivities for everyone! The Agape Dinner is done in the Spring and is a time before Lent when we all come together in Love and strengthen the bonds of our friendship. Both events will have mailed out invitations; if you want an invitation, please be sure to fill out the Parishoner Information Form!
Parish Game Night - Once a quarter, our Church hosts a Parish Game Night. Children, adults, families and singles are all welcome! We simply enjoy each other's company by playing board games or having a theme party. The dates are posted on the home page, in the Weekly bulletin and in Weekly email, to which you can sign up on the front page. Join us!