Congratulations on the upcoming baptism of your child!
When planning for this blessed event, please be aware of the following guidelines:
1) STEWARDSHIP: It is not required for the celebration of your sacrament, however, we do
ask that you consider becoming a current, pledged steward of our parish. Please discuss any
questions or concerns regarding stewardship directly with Fr. Thomas.
2) METROPOLIS FEE: A check made out to the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Chicago in
the amount of $150 will be required for the Metropolis processing fees (Cash is not
3) CHANTER: There is a $100 fee required for our chanter.
1) Please make sure that the God-parent(s) to be, of the child, are members in good standing
with the Orthodox Church, and that they have a letter to that effect sent to us in advance from
their current parish. Anyone participating in the service as a Godparent must be Orthodox.
2) The God-parents(s) must also be able to recite the Nicene Creed (by reading it, not from
memory) during the beginning of the service of Baptism; as such, they should practice and be
able to recite the Creed without mistakes. If the God-parent is a minor, they must also be
accompanied by another God-parent who is an adult.
1) Whenever we are in Church, which is holy and sacred space, we are to dress and conduct
ourselves appropriately. Anyone participating in the service is to dress tastefully and
1) Anyone taking pictures: should remain as stationary and unnoticeable as possible, should not
go up any steps in the Adult Baptistery or main Church, should not use flash, remote flash or
additional lighting during the service. Please consult with Fr. Thomas.
- Small bottle of Olive Oil
- Bar of soap
- White Undershirt
- Cloth Diaper (disposable diaper can be used, but must be burned afterwards)
- White Baby Blanket
- Large white Bath Towel, and 2 small white hand towels (not washcloths)
- Twin size white Sheet
- Three Candles (1 large) – no figures attached
- White Baptismal Outfit – to be worn after Baptism
- A Cross and chain – no charms included
1) Visiting clergy are always welcome, provided that they are canonically ordained by the
Orthodox Church. No non-Orthodox clergy may participate in the baptism service.
Visiting clergy or chanters should be invited by the parents, and should then contact us for
permission to officiate at the Baptism.
1) Please plan to arrive approximately half an hour prior to the scheduled time of the Sacrament.
2) Please make every effort to be punctual, so that we can begin the service on time.
1) Baptism is the first of the seven great Mysteries or Sacraments of the Church. As such, it is
appropriate and necessary for those participating in the service of Holy Baptism to prepare
themselves as much as possible.
1) The child, or children, being baptized must be given an Orthodox Christian name. The name
must have a Feast Day in the Church that the child can celebrate. This will allow the child to
have a patron saint that he, or she, can call upon in prayer for intercession.
Please make every effort to comply with the above guidelines.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me directly. These guidelines are meant to help you plan for your marriage and not a as a hindrance. Once again, congratulations on the upcoming baptism of your child, and we look forward to celebrating such a joyous event together.
Faithfully in Christ,
Father Thomas Alatzakis
Parish Priest